I want to thank the staff at Hammond Care for their wonderful care and support! It has been a very challenging year for my mother and I  🥰🎄🎅

Wonderful contents @ Edith my Mother

Obviously if you, or a loved one, are looking into elder care, I highly recommend visiting the Hammond Care Contact 👌

This website is designed to be a public warning about a solicitor practising in St Ives, NSW named Robert Holt.​

I was so repulsed by my mother’s solicitor Robert Holt’s conduct that I created this website because I don’t think it’s right that someone should be able to financially benefit at the expense of familial relationships. Hopefully it will reach the people within the St Ives/Northshore area who may be considering or are currently employing Robert Holt to read my experiences because what happened to me and my mother might happen to you and your family.

It’s important if you are reading this do not contact/harass Robert Holt, it’s unfortunate his home address is the same as his office address. The purpose is to bring awareness, not retribution.

Table of Contents

UPDATE: 13/12/2024


UPDATE: 6/12/2024

Today marks the creation of solicitor-fox-staniland-elder-abusers-gordon.net. A sister site.

This site will still continue to grow depending on Robert Holt’s decisions.

UPDATE: 24/10/2024

While cleaning my mother’s storage, a couple of extremely important discoveries were made.

First, I discovered a neurological report created by my mother and Elaine, back in April 2021 by Dr Jean-Pierre Halpern. The report essentially advises family members to be involved in my mother’s affairs because of deterioration from Alzheimers. I am relieved that I finally have medical documentation that’s supports that my mother’s finances require oversight from family members.

I have reached out on numerous occasions to Dr Nora Breen to ask her to rescind her report. She has not responded. I’m not going to waste any more of my time chasing her just to convince her to do the right thing.

I encourage anyone to read both of the doctors reports and see if you come to the same conclusion by clicking here.

Second, I discovered old black and white photos of my father. In light of what has happened, I decided to memorialize his legacy. At least something beautiful can be created from this ugly situation.

I appreciate the effort my father took to preserve these precious photographs and I thoroughly enjoyed restoring them.

Below is the story of a young family, leaving destruction to rebuild in an unknown land. They eventually grew into prominence. Full collection of restored images can be found here.

UPDATE: 29/9/2024

I am devastated to say my father’s most valued possessions were disposed of 😢  I’ve spent the weekend crying. I feel so ashamed that my father’s Legacy was essentially thrown away. His possessions included: 

  • A generational grandfather clock, which my father wanted to pass onto me.
  • A portrait his portrait of his father, George, which I think was painted by his first daughter.
  • A 22 bolt action in rifle, which he received during his service in the navy. We used to shoot it together at the firing range.

I am desperately trying to locate my father’s possessions. Unfortunately, my mother cannot remember what happened to them, and I’m getting no cooperation from my mother’s side of the family that disposed of them. 

Neil, who is married to one of my mother’s sisters and disposed of my father’s rifle by giving it to the police. He must know what happened to my father’s grandfather clock as the rifle was locked and secured inside it. Unfortunately Neil won’t even share which police station he gave my father’s rifle to. To add insult to injury, my mother thanked him for his help by gifting him my father’s Mercedes.

In addition to giving Neil my father’s Mercedes, My mother “sold” him her vehicle with a generous discount and he never bothered to demonstrate that he paid the $10,000 agreed.

Neil also showed up to the first NCAT hearing to support Elaine.

I think it’s fairly safe to deduce the following has happened to my late father’s possessions, either

    • Neil callously left them on the lawn for council pick up, destined for a landfill, or
    • Neil realised my father’s possessions were worth thousands of dollars and sold them.

I pray point 2 is correct because there’s a chance I can possibly repurchase my father’s possessions. This weekend has felt like my father died for a second time and his memory is being snuffed out.

To amazing my father Richard, I’m so, so, sorry. For a life of great achievements and actions, you deserved so much better. I will never forget you and the strength you gave me.  I will do what I can to find your grandfather clock which you lovingly winded every day.

UPDATE: 23/9/2024

It’s important to illustrate how the stroke/dementia has made everyday life for my mother a challenge.

I am assisting my mother to empty her storage unit, which contains various items which we grew up with.  My mother called me twice the following day expressing concern and profound confusion surrounding a highly valued possession of my father, his grandfather clock.

Audio Timestamp Navigation

This is the clock my mother is concerned about about. It belonged to my father. It was passed down from his father. I really hope my mother was confused and when she stated she could not find the clock in the storage unit.

If the clock is lost, my mother and I will be very disappointed in ourselves 😢.

Below is the recording when we emptied the storage to confirm my mother’s memory can be wildly inaccurate, as we definitely did not pack my father’s clock into the van.

The recording also demonstrates the negative impact all of this abuse has had on my mother and I. It is already a terrifying challenge for me, the only child, who has to look after my vulnerable mother going forward. I think this saga demonstrates that lawyers who lack humanity, simply boil down to ghouls that create and feed off society’s misery.

UPDATE: 17/9/2024

I have submitted a complaint to the Law Society in relation to Dennis Barton. The fact is, they can stop the exploitation of my mother by terminating his credentials, which is the tool of his exploitation. Whether they will do so remain to be seen. Robert Holt didn’t seem concerned there would be any consequences for his bad conduct. 

UPDATE: 16/9/2024

Unfortunately, the NCAT member at the directions hearing dismissed the my application, stating my evidence was “lacking in substance.” I’m feeling disappointed, upset, and confused by this outcome.

In good faith, I followed NCAT’s public guidance, believing that if I could show my mother was being exploited, the member would at least allow the hearing to confirm my mother is not the victim of exploitation.

I plan to file a complaint with NCAT because it’s concerning that someone so clinical and lacking in common sense holds a leadership role protecting the vulnerable.

The good news is there is clear evidence that Dennis Barton has trouble telling the truth, and anything he says should be viewed with scepticism. Also I asked my mother how she found such a deplorable character like Dennis Barton, she said he was referred to her by Robert Holt!

The bad news is that even though Dennis Barton lied and undermined the hearing, the member didn’t seem to care. I though if someone was caught lying they lose their credibility. There seems there’s a different standard for solicitors, and unfortunately, it appears that people like Dennis Barton are exploiting this to victimize the vulnerable.

One consequence of the case being dismissed is that the Law Society can now investigate the conduct of Robert Holt and Dennis Barton. Hopefully, they’ll recognize that my mother is a victim of elder abuse, as she meets 6/10 warning signs contained in their own training materials.

Hopefully they perform better than CPA, who I believe is partially responsible for the exploitation by failing to hold their member to the ethical and moral standards that they advertised to the public.

Redacted audio of the directions hearing.

14:31 these are the emails Dennis Barton is referencing which he claims are ‘threats’.

doc 13, doc 14, doc 15, doc 16

Example of other “professionals” what work for my mother falsely cleaning that I have been threatening and intimidating to avoid any accountability to me.

UPDATE: 12/9/2024

Below is hopefully the new evidence the NCAT member requested not dismiss the hearing. TLDR: it’s reasonable to conclude based on the evidence  presented, Elaine and Dennis Barton are bad and untrustworthy people who are taking advantage of my mother’s condition for their own financial benefit. 

My heart sank when I saw this on Four Corners yesterday. Similar to the report, Elaine is abusing her position of power over my mother, and Dennis Barton is like the security hired at the expense of the victims. When the audience member shouted “scumbag!” the feeling really resonated.

If Dennis Barton decided to add an additional zero to his invoice, which when taking into his character and actions is extremely probable, would my already vulnerable mother would be in a position to protect herself? Of course not! It would be a never-ending cycle of abuse.

Seriously there needs a royal commission!

I believe Elaine, the instigator of this, and the beneficiary of the services, should

• Pay for Dr Brean’s report which she contaminated with her lies, and

• Pay for Fox and Staniland’s invoice which they plan to send to my mother, including the impromptu meeting which Dennis Barton capitalised on. 

It is obvious in substance, Dennis Barton is employed by Elaine given he doesn’t follow the instructions of my mother, his supposed client.

Here is the submission

Mother my mother’s vulnerability

My mother is unable to reliably send email 


My mother is unable to perform routine banking and cannot recall her online banking credentials. 

• Evidence demonstrates correlation of stroke in May 2021 and losing her ability to perform online banking. Ref02

My mother is unable to recall any information of substance about her current legal council.

• The most information she could recall about Dennis Barton on the 13th August 2023 is that he has a beard. Ref03

My mother is unable to recall any amount details of how much money she has paid the people that are working for her. 

• Ask her.

What I have done to try to protect my mother and resolve the situation.

Organised and committed to joint therapy with my mother to try and find a resolution prior to the next hearing with NCAT.

• First Attempt was frustrated by Robert Holt. Ref04

• First appointment was 19th April 2023. Ref05

• Last appointment was 6th August 2023. Ref06

Attempted to organise legal council to identify a resolution my mother and I are both happy with before the hearing with NCAT.


Discovered compromised Dr Green report and made good faith efforts possible to prevent further exploitation of my mother.

• I can testify to this which is supported with documented evidence.

• Discovery Elaine had hired legal council on behalf of my mother, which lead to,

• Discovery Elaine engaged Fox and Staniland to be my mother’s legal council, which lead to,

• Alerting Fox and Staniland of the current situation, which the lack of response lead to,

• Discovery of the “man with the beard” aka Dennis Barton.

What my mother has done to resolve the situation

Attempted to organise a meeting between herself, Dennis Barton and I, which Dennis Barton refused.

• Email I generated and sent this email to both my mother and Dennis Barton. Ref09

• My mother in good faith informing me a meeting had been organised with Dennis Barton. Ref10

Dennis Barton’s dishonesty

Dennis Barton is a liar and a coward

• When my mother genuinely believed she had organised a meeting with myself and Dennis Barton. Dennis Barton lied to her by stating he could not meet me, her son, because it would be a conflict of interest. This makes no sense and is in contrary to his client’s wishes, whom he supposedly represents. It’s like he wants to protect the interest of Elaine, the person who hired him. Ref11

Dennis Barton proceeded to capitalise financially on his lie.

• Dennis Barton had an impromptu meeting with my mother. A meeting which she has no recollection of, wasting more of my time and my mother’s money. Ref12

Dennis Barton is the type of person that would knowingly give contaminated food.

4 warning were emailed to let him know the Dr Breen report was compromised by Elaine.

• First warning. Ref13

• Second warning. Ref14

• Third warning… Ref15

• Final warning which warned. Ref16

• any future attempts to frustrate my mother and I resolving this private matter will be interpreted as abuse, and

• I have legal power of attorney and they are not authorised to communicate with my mother any longer.

• Dennis Barton submits compromised report and request an urgent directions hearing to dismiss the upcoming NCAT hearing. Ref17

Elaine’s dishonesty

Elaine can’t keep her stories straight

• Factual version of event on 13th April 2023 supported by documentation. Ref18

• Elaine’s vastly different retelling of the event the following day. Ref19

• Elaine’s third vastly different version of 13th April 2023. Ref20

Elaine’s lies to Dr Breen which compromised the report.



Elaine weaponised the death of her husband

• Email from Elaine accusing me of soiling the memory of her late husband. Ref23

• My genuine confusion expressed to my mother. Ref24

• Example of me trying to protect my existing relationships from her malicious lies. Ref25

Elaine weaponised the death of my late father.


Elaine is evasive when questioned about receiving money from my mother.



Elaine does not care if her actions estrange me from my mother’s other siblings/in laws. This estrangement has subsequently happened.


Elaine knowing undermined my good faith efforts to resolve situation with my mother

• Email informing Elaine I’m looking into resolving the situation with my mother by organising joint legal council. Ref30

• Asking Elaine if my mother currently had legal council named “Kate Winslet”, Elaine did not respond. Ref31

• My correct prediction that Elaine was deceptively wasting my mother’s money for her own financial gain. Ref32

Based on the balance of probability and factual evidence, it is reasonable to conclude being exploited by Elaine and Dennis Barton.

I am legal power of attorney of my mother. This claim appears legally valid given the wording and intention behind the Doctor Breen report which Dennis Barton requested, and Elaine compromised.

I have been trying to invoke the POA to protect my mother for over a year. Sadly it is regarded with very little respect.

Can you please validate the legality of the power of attorney so I can stop the exploitation of my mother?  If not,

Can you make it requirement my mother and I mediate with independent legal counsel prior to the next hearing?

UPDATE: 2/9/2024

The great challenge of this situation is the deterioration of my mother’s memory, which is sadly the root of her exploitation. 

It’s like Groundhog Day each time I meet my mother. The plans we discuss each week never come to fruition, as Elaine will quickly reassert her influence.

I left my mother a visual representation of our current situation which is below.

UPDATE: 26/8/2024

Unfortunately, I believe it is conclusive that my mother’s side of the family have saddled my mother with parasitic uncooperative legal council.

Both my mother and I want to follow the advice of the NCAT case manager, which is to meet with legal council and identify possible solutions to avoid another hearing.

For this to be satisfied, my mother’s current legal council must be willing to communicate with me.

I will look into Dennis Martin to see if he lied to my vulnerable mother because he wanted to avoid a meeting with me.

If the above is correct, he would have to be one of the most disgusting cowards I’ve ever encountered. 

Quick refs

23:35 – email discussed

29:40 – ref 1

29:40 – ref 2

31:25 – ref

I have also uploaded evidence that on 13/8/2024, the most details my mother could recall about Dennis Barton was that he had a beard.

23:40 - Discussed email. 24:00 - Mum incorrectly recalling Dennis Barton met with her and me last Thursday. 24:44 - I try to demonstrate to my mother I have, in good faith, been looking for legal counsel to assist my mother and me since May 12, 2024. 25:32 - Trying to explain to my mother that her family has been undermining my efforts. 26:05 - The results of my mother's family’s undermining is my mother is trapped with legal counsel that refuses to meet with me. 26:15 - Thanking and apologizing to my mother for the debacle of last Thursday. 26:47 - Discussing the failures of Dennis Barton. 27:24 - My mother demonstrating her vulnerability to exploitation. 27:54 - Suspicions Dennis Barton lied to my mother. 29:40 - Trying to explain to my mother the emotional toll this ordeal has had on me. 30:00 - Elaine was undermining me this entire time, but I blamed my mother 🙁. 31:25 - Informed my mother I have had concerns about her family for a long period of time. 32:09 - I try to explain to my mother that her family is the problem. 32:45 - Her family has saddled us with parasitic legal counsel. 33:22 - I ask my mother to tell her family to stop Elaine from doing these awful things to us. 34:00 - My mother parroting what her family keeps telling her 🙁. 34:20 - My mother and I fight about my father. 42:55 - I asked my mother when was the last time she spoke to her accountant. 43:40 - I asked my mother if she has made any changes to her will recently. 46:40 - I asked my mother if she knows the important personnel at Hammond Care (the facility she resides). 51:20 - I reflect on the irony that the whole ordeal has brought my mother and me closer together. 51:50 - I explain to my mother that her family hiring Dennis Barton has crossed a red line. 1:07:57 - For some reason, my mother keeps insisting we see a psychiatrist, which I query. 1:09:10 - I explain to my mother that what we really need is to meet with legal counsel because, as far as I know, they're the only ones who can provide practical solutions to our problem. 1:10:12 - I reminded my mother that the case manager at NCAT informed us that we do not need to have a hearing with NCAT if we can meet with legal counsel. My mother again incorrectly states she believed she can organize this with Dennis Barton. 1:10:28 - I remind my mother that despite her desire, Dennis Barton cannot/will not meet with me, which is a requirement to achieve the outcome we both seek.

UPDATE: 22/8/2024

A terrible day!

Yesterday I received an SMS from my mother stating she organised a meeting Dennis Barton today at 12:00pm, which I assumed It was related to the “UPDATE: 19/8/2024” request, which Dennis Barton was included in. Quick ref

I requested my mother email myself cc Dennis Barton to confirm the appointment, however unfortunately I had to settle for an SMS Confirmation. Quick ref

Fast forward to this morning, my day starts with optimism, we are finally going take the first step to resolve this nightmare. It takes approximately two hours to pick my mother up and be seated and waiting for Dennis Barton.

Maybe an hour later my skin crawls when Dennis Barton exited his office with his arm draped over my mother like he is grooming her to become his possession. He mockingly states he was leaving her “in my gentle hands”.

I was extremely angry and upset at my mother for the confusion 😔 which I deeply regret.

It wasn’t until I got home and reflected that my mother is trying her best to resolve our fractured relationship.

She sent me the meeting invite with Dennis Barton in good faith, but her condition and the people surrounding her caused the opposite 😟 it’s heartbreaking.Quick ref

UPDATE: 19/8/2024

Evidence that:

    1. Raises doubt my mother is able to communicate via email.
    2. My mother and I both know disturbingly little about her current legal council.

Given the two points above, is Dennis Barton @ Fox and Staniland being paid by Elaine to frustrate my mother and I’s relationship!? It sounds egregious but it appears reality.

I can’t see how he’s contributing anything of value to my mother and I. If anything, he is a threat demonstrated by his lack of integrity.

I got home I could not see the reply to the email which I had just crawled through broken glass to get my mother to send! It was heart breaking.

I considered driving to meet my mother to resend the email the following day but decided it was grossly unreasonable to commit two hours to resend the email I have supporting audio.

Lunch with my mother - 17th Aug 2024

1:00 - Discussion about email to Dennis Barton 2:15 - First request for mother to reply to email 2:30 - How much do you know about Dennis? 2:55 - Do you know which firm he works for? 3:37 - Do you know what his fees are? 4:30 - My opinion of Dennis Barton 5:38 - Does Dennis still have a beard? 12:55 - Second request to reply to email 19:40 - Third request to reply to email 21:40 - My expectation of my mother's legal counsel 24:25 - Reluctance and frustration 25:10 - What do I do if you pass away? 25:40 - Mum, why do you have a secret lawyer? 27:10 - Fourth request to reply to email 27:45 - "What the fuck are you going on about?!" 😂 28:35 - I am desperate to organize a meeting with your legal counsel 29:05 - Never been able to meet with legal counsel without the presence of Elaine, I'm a person who retained Dennis Barton @ Fox and Staniland

The last 5 minutes of the recording demonstrates doubt my mother’s ability to communicate via email

I believe my personal experiences with my mother raises doubt she can use email communication. After 4 minutes of frustration my mother just gave me the phone to send the email on her behalf.

30:00 - My mother unlocked her phone to reply to the email which I've been requesting for her to reply to 31:16 - Mother opens the camera app... 31:56 - I have to locate the email, I ask my mother if she wants me to reply 33:12 - I have to type the email on her behalf, mother confirms she wants to organize a meeting 34:00 - I ask my mother if she wants to press the send button

UPDATE: 15/8/2024

I received the punch in the guts today. This is because despite warning Dennis Barton @ Fox and Staniland that the Dr Breen report was compromised, he requested an urgent directions hearing with the NCAT member on the same day at 2:30pm based on it’s contents seeking to dismiss the upcoming hearing in late September.

At the start of the call Mr Barton informed me that my mother said she loved me and I broke down uncontrollably. It was challenging to regain my composure.  

Unfortunately the member made the decision that I have to present evidence to justify a second hearing before September 10. I also realised I need to seek legal counsel at this point. I had a phone call with a lawyer and they estimate about $12,000 😔 it feels like the world is trying to peck my mother and I to death.

UPDATE: 13/8/2024

My mother and I discovered the identity of the solicitor who requested the Breen report!

Quick recap:

  • Informed the upcoming NCAT hearing can be avoided with mediation. My mother and I both want this outcome. Quick ref
  • For months my mother constantly mentioned “Kate Winslet” as possibly her new legal council organised by her sister, Elaine. Quick ref
  • Inquired with Elaine about “Kate Winslet”, received no response. Quick ref
  • Determine reasonable my mother was confused about “Kate Winslet” and decided to seek legal council on our behalf. Quick ref
  • Express concerns Elaine is intending to exploit my mother’s resources and condition to frustrate the process. Quick ref

25/7/2024 – Discovery Elaine had already retained legal council on behalf of my mother via discovery of the Dr Breen report. Quick ref

Quest to identify the solicitor who requested the Dr Breen report.

I asked my mother who the solicitor is that organised the report, however she is unable to recall any identifying information.

During lunch my mother took a speaker call with a representative from the solicitors office that organised the report. My photographed the number which my mother wrote down, 9440 1202. Quick ref

Performed a Google search for 9440 1202 and discovered it is the office number of Fox and Staniland. Quick ref

Created a photo line up of all of the staff of Fox and Staniland and asked my mother if any of the people are her new solicitor, she said she didn’t recognise any of the people. Quick ref

I reach out to Fox and Staniland via email and phone requesting assistance ;

  1. First email. Quick ref
  2. Follow up email. Quick ref
  3. Final/line in the sand email. Quick ref


I met my mother for lunch and asked if she could come to the office of Fox and Staniand near by to help identify who her current solicitor is. She agreed.

While in reception my mother suddenly blurts out a name I have never heard before, ” Ian Mcpherson”. Quick ref

I get excited! I asked my mother to confirm if Ian Mcpherson The solicitor that organised the Dr Breen report. After studying the photo she says “no, he had a beard”.

Like a game of Guess Who, that leads us to Dennis Barton! The only man with a beard.Quick ref

UPDATE: 9/8/2024

I have discovered Dr Breen is away on leave until early September, as a result I’m going to takedown the public portion of her report until I seek and explanation from her. 

UPDATE: 25/7/2024


During joint therapy, my mother handed the therapist some sheets of paper. After insisting on knowing what they were and asking to see them, I was appalled by what I found.

It was a Neuropsychology and Capacity Report by Dr. Nora Breen from Macquarie University Health Sciences. This doctor, much like Robert Holt, has published a report filled with blatant falsehoods and inaccuracies.

Most concerning is that the report reveals my mother has a new solicitor. This solicitor needs to be informed so they don’t repeat the mistakes of Robert Holt and believe the falsehoods similar to this doctor.

I will reach out to Dr. Nora Breen for an explanation as her conduct and body of work is nothing short of applauding.

When stripped of lies, the report essentially demonstrates how dependent my mother is on her sister Elaine the abuse people will commit for money.

UPDATE: 4/7/2024


If you are legal counsel and approached by my mother, Edith, and her sister, Elaine, please exercise extreme caution. Understand that neither woman values your reputation or integrity. Both will mislead you—one out of confusion and the other out of malice.

Simply ask my mother  “How much money have you given/paid to your sister Elaine and her son-in-law, Scott?”. The response will quickly uncover the reality of the situation.

The New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) has set a hearing date for late September.

Fortunately, a case manager from NCAT reached out to me prior to this hearing. I informed the case manager that my mother and I would hopefully identify a solution via mediation, avoiding a requirement for a hearing.

Unfortunately, I encountered an unexpected problem. I wanted to organize a joint meeting with my mother and new legal counsel to discuss our options before the hearing, which my mother agreed to. 

For weeks, she has claimed to be represented by a solicitor named Kate Winslet. Despite my repeated requests for contact details, such as email correspondence or a website, my mother has been unable to provide any information. Additionally, my inquiry to my mother’s sister Elaine about Kate Winslet have gone unanswered.

The crux of the matter is that, in front of myself and a third party, my mother cannot identify or demonstrate the existence of her new legal counsel. Simple questions, like whether Kate Winselt is an accountant or a solicitor, confuse her, and I have been unable to obtain any proof of this person’s existence.

Regrettably, it has become necessary for me to invoke the power of attorney my mother established before her stroke to identify new legal counsel on her behalf. The alternative is the continued financial and emotional exploitation of my mother.

Click here to read why I believe this action is necessary and legal.

UPDATE: 10/5/2024

Now that my mother and I have started attending joint therapy sessions, our relationship has significantly improved. This positive change has encouraged me to reapply for a rehearing at NCAT. 
Due to Robert Holt’s actions that estranged me from my mother before the initial hearing, I was unabe to obtain crucial evidence needed for NCAT to make an informed decision.

It was challenging, but I have persuaded my mother of the necessity to engage new legal counsel.

We aim to find a lawyer who can guide us through the process and help devise a mutually satisfactory approach before the next hearing, ensuring the panel has a clear basis for their decision. If anyone can recommend a suitable lawyer, please contact me.

Here are our criteria for legal representation:

  • Practices in the North Shore area
  • Has ethics and morals

If you are or know a lawyer who meets these requirements, and after reviewing this information on this website and believe you could assist my mother and I, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at lee@attvf.com.au.

If we successfully engage a lawyer who can effectively assist my mother and me in navigating our current challenges, I will gladly endorse them on this website. This page could serve as a referral source, advocating for professionals committed to fostering family relationships rather than undermining them.

UPDATE: 6/5/2024

I discovered today that Scott the son in law invoiced my mother for his “work” for the NCAT hearing! Below is a sample of what my mother paid for:

I have never been more disgusted in my entire life. This ordeal has had a serious toll on my mental and physical health. Imagine being reaching out to family who you thought cared about you only to be later mocked and ridiculed at your vulnerable mother’s financial expense. I told them during this meeting I’ve had issues with suicide in the past. It’s like Scott the son in law is trying to push me over the line. I know who would be jockeying to receive her estate if this happened.

My mother suffered a stroke which is aggravated by dementia. She lives in assisted living because she lost the ability to cook her own food or perform basic online banking which they are performing using her personal username and password. I asked if my mother could recall her online banking information and she said she could not.

This group is essentially in full control of my mother and charging her without any oversight, believing this is perfectively acceptable.

Below the snippet of an email sent by Graham the accountant to my mother. Robert Holt appears is the ring leader of this group.

This group has convinced my vulnerable mother to pay them to estrange her from her only child. I cannot think of anything more evil.

Background/The beginning

In 2022, my mother, a dementia sufferer, was further debilitated by a stroke, which impaired her capacity to manage financial activities online. To provide her with the necessary support, Elaine, my aunt, and her son-in-law Scott assumed the role of financial caretakers. Despite a deep-seated apprehension about Scott’s involvement—due to my philosophy that intertwining financial responsibilities and familial relationships often invites complexity—I had immense trust in Elaine. Her maternal presence in my life led me to entrust them with full financial stewardship, opting not to intervene.

As time passed, it came to light that Elaine and Scott were claiming compensation from my mother without making any statements of disclosure, justifying it as remuneration for being my mother’s financial caretakers. I think this is grossly inappropriate, as I offered to perform necessary financial services for my mother free of charge.

Faced with this discovery, I sought the expertise of Robert Holt who is my mother’s legal council. The following events will outline how Robert Holt, rather than acting the best interest of my mother and her relationship with her child use his authority as a solicitor to the influence my mother for his own personal financial gain.

Initial discovery of the misappropriation of my mother’s money​

When I discovered unauthorized transactions involving my mother’s funds, I recognized the urgent need to consult with her attorney, Robert Holt. Consequently, I composed an email to Mr. Holt detailing my findings and inquired about possible actions to prevent further depletion of my mother’s bank accounts.

After receiving no response from Robert Holt to my expressed concerns about my mother’s financial well-being, I took the proactive step of filing an application with NCAT to become my mother’s financial manager. This move was motivated by my determination to halt the improper use of her funds.

I attempt multiple times to meet Robert Holt with my mother as a mediation effort prior to the NCAT hearing.​

I received a response from Robert Holt, which I find deeply troubling. In his message, he indicates that there will be no changes to the current situation involving my mother and the misappropriation of my finances. Additionally, I have lost access to view my mother’s bank accounts. What is particularly alarming is his apparent disregard for the issue of missing funds. This concern stems from a previous incident where I reported missing money to Grahame the accountant, which vanished in a similar manner that was later identified at the very least inappropriate.

Upon receiving an email from Robert Holt, we engaged in a telephone conversation. During this call, he immediately leveled accusations of elder abuse against me. I countered by highlighting that the purpose of the NCAT application was to safeguard against the ongoing issue of money vanishing. Despite this, he seemed uninterested, dismissing the concern. Furthermore, Robert mentioned that the costs associated with him representing my mother at the NCAT hearing would be substantial. In an attempt to find common ground, I recounted an incident involving my mother carrying a substantial amount of cash. To this, he responded, “that is the one thing we both agree on,” indicating a rare point of consensus in our discussion.

After the phone conversation with Robert Holt I reached out via email to express my concerns regarding my mother. It was deeply troubling to me that he had accused me of elder abuse, given his lack of understanding of the unique dynamics between my mother and me. In an effort to address his concerns and correct any misconceptions, I included in my email a history of conversations between my mother and me. This was intended to provide a clear and accurate representation of our relationship, aiming to dispel any doubts about the nature of our interactions.

I planned to meet my mother for lunch, the intention to propose that we both meet Robert Holt together without the presence of Elaine. This is because I am still hoping Robert Holt will engage in a dialogue or mediate before the NCAT hearing.

However, Robert Holt when he advised my mother not to see me before the NCAT hearing. Following this development, I reached out to Robert Holt via email to inquire whether he would be open to meeting with my mother and me to discuss the upcoming hearing with NCAT, maintaining for Elaine not to attend.

Joint Therapy proposed to and agreed to with my mother.​

Realising that NCAT would need some sort of third-party documentation which illustrates my mother and I’s current relationship before being able to make a decision. I reach out to my mother and looking to organising joint therapy sessions for the both of us to attend to which my mother agreed.

Joint Therapy cancelled by Robert Holt​

Suddenly to my surprise my mother cancels the joint therapy I had proposed we do together prior to the NCAT hearing.

I discover the person that informed my mother to cancel the joint therapy sessions was Robert Holt. My mother’s legal representation.

Robert Holt crosses the line​

Naturally I’m very annoyed at Robert Holt and e-mail him demanding an explanation as to why he would advise my mother to not attend joint therapy with me prior to the hearing as I believe it is prejudicing the hearing. Also I do not believe he is acting in the best interest of my mother which is extremely unethical and immoral. I state that without a good explanation, a complaint will be made against him.

Robert Holt makes things personal

I received another email from Robert Holt issued to NCAT stating they intend to challenge my application for financial manager. Robert Holt provides the NCAT case manager with an email filled with factual inaccuracies and shockingly factually false statutory declaration.

I reply to Robert Holt’s email expressing my anger his conduct. Not only is he acting immorally and unprofessionally by prejudicing the hearing with NCAT by preventing my mother from being able to attend joint therapy but is now authorizing himself to perform a huge amount of work at my mother’s financial expense. I inform Robert Holt’s that an additional complaint will be made against him, this time for unjust enrichment.

The NCAT hearing​

To add insult to injury, not long after NCAT sent a no reply email to me requesting medical evidence of my mother’s condition. Evidence I was prevented from collecting because of my mother’s solicitor Robert Holt.

Unfortunately the hearing with NCAT went terribly for me but essentially Illustrated how the financial abuse is occurring. It became evident that my auntie Elaine has complete control and influence over my mother the people that surround her. Elaine is actively encouraging my mother’s dependence on her son-in-law, Scott, which could have been avoided had she respected my wishes and prohibited Scott from receiving gifts or “working” for my mother. The heart of the issue lies in my discomfort with Scott receiving money from my mother, and Elaine’s refusal to acknowledge my concerns has come at the cost of our relationship.

It is particularly concerning that everyone who attended the hearing on my mother’s behalf, with the exception of my uncles who came to observe, had a financial interest in being there. I was the sole individual present without any financial motivation.

Robert Holt’s conduct as my mother’s solicitor completely unacceptable. His refused to meet myself and my mother without Elaine’s presence, coupled with dissuading my mother from joint therapy, severely impeded my efforts to collect essential medical evidence necessary for a fair assessment at my mother’s NCAT hearing. 

Beyond this, Robert Holt’s self-authorization of excessive and unnecessary work at my mother’s expense appeared to serve his financial interests over those of his client, which I believe contradicts the fiduciary duty owed to her.

Navigating the complexities of legal representation, particularly for those vulnerable due to illness, can be fraught with challenges. My experience serves as a cautionary tale: vigilance is paramount when entrusting a family member’s care to others, including legal professionals.

When my mother, afflicted by dementia, faced financial mismanagement under the oversight of relatives, I turned to Robert Holt, her solicitor. Instead of safeguarding her interests, he became self-serving, prioritizing financial gain over fiduciary duty. Such behavior not only compromised the integrity of his profession but also eroded the trust between a mother and her only child.

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